Acoustic emission, modulus of elasticity, static load test, cement, fine-grained composites, water-cement ratioAbstract
Since their inception, building materials have been constantly improving. New ways to explore and improve their properties are constantly being investigated (especially with the goal of improving the mechanical and deformation characteristics of the materials). This article is focused on identifying and comparing values of the static modulus of elasticity and acoustic emission of fine-grained composites and determining how the water-cement ratio influences them. The acoustic emission method is often used to detect a failure at a very early stage of damage long before a structure completely fails. The paper presents an experiment focused on analysing acoustic emission signals captured during a commonly used static modulus elasticity test of specimens of fine-grained cement-based composites. In order to better understand the behaviour of the materials under load and to describe the development of failures, three fine-grained cement composites were tested for their acoustic emission patterns. The data was then plotted in diagrams.
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