Submission Fees

Publication in the Czech Journal of Civil Engineering is subject to a publication fee (Article Processing Charge – APC), which is charged only after a successful review procedure. Czech Journal of Civil Engineering does not charge any fees for pages or for extra pages or other additional entities (images, tables, etc.). However, the guide for authors regarding the recommended ranges of contributions must be respected. The fee is intended for the operating costs of the journal and the maintenance of the journal's archives.

2 000 CZK / 85 EUR per article of all categories.

The stated amount is final. The supplier is not a VAT payer.

The amount will be paid to the credit of the following account:

Bank account
Account number: 301829234/0300
IBAN: CZ610300000000301829234
BIC: CEKOCZPP (Some banks may require the BIC/SWIFT to be 11 characters – CEKOCZPPXXX)
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Bank details

Československá obchodní banka, a. s. (ČSOB)
Radlická 333/150

150 00  Prague
Czech Republic