Urban greenery, aesthetic effects of greenery, garden art, public spaceAbstract
Vegetation fulfils an amount of important functions in the urban environment of settlements. At present, in connection with the deterioration of the quality of the environment, or even with the current needs of adaptation of the urbanized environment to climate change, we are focusing more on its bioecological, environmental, or ecosystem functions. Vegetation in the urban environment, however, has also an aesthetic function, which must not be forgotten. The article discusses the potential of creative/artistic effects of vegetation in urban public space. Vegetation, not only in parks, orchards and gardens as the main areas of designed greenery, but also in other types of public spaces in the historic cores of cities, in the housing estates, in the streets and road-side greenery, in the greenery of various areas, plays in the architectural and urban space composition various roles, but always as a full-valued compositional element.
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