Air flow in the crawl space
Crawl space, wooden house, air flowAbstract
The strip foundation with a concrete slab on-ground is common type of foundation in Central Europe. The crawl space is rather exceptional in Central Europe. The paper deals with the air flow and temperature and moisture condition in a naturally ventilated crawl space in the Czech Republic. The monitoring of crawl space took place from April 2022 to February 2023. The air flow, air temperature and relative humidity was continuously monitored in the crawl space. On selected summer days, the space rate changing air was also monitored. Base on the average outdoor air flow, the summer day was selected. The space rate changing air was high during June in the crawl space. On the selected days, the avarage values ranged from 5 ach to 12 ach. In the Czech Republic, there is not Czech Standart that deals with design air flow in the crawl space In the United States, requirements are describes in International Residential Code (IRC – International Code Council). When applying this Code, it was detected the area of ventilation holes in the monitoring crawl space was twice as large as recommended by the International Residential Code.
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