Industrial heritage, ironworks, conversion, urban planningAbstract
Ironworks in Hrádek are slowly approaching the post-industrial era. It is necessary to start wondering how to handle such a complex after the end of its production. The Ironworks as such were established in 1906 by the construction of a rolling mill under Rudolf Hudický, and over time they have undergone various stages of development. From the start of the production boom, there was a change of ownership several times, then the question was whether production was to end, but modernization, further development and the subsequent golden era of the boom of production were chosen, with 2750 people employed in the ironworks plant. During this period there was not only development in the area but also outside it, in the town of Hrádek. A new so called 1st May road was built as well as cultural house and departement store and a quarter of family houses and apartment buildings of various types and sizes. At present, the city's efforts to raise people's awareness of the sustainable development sector and the possibilities for dealing with the area in the future are ongoing.
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