bim, photogrammetry, construction quality, lightning analysisAbstract
Today's technologies enable efficient data management and generally contribute to effective control of the construction process. There are various ways of focusing on a real construction project based on laser or digital camera measurements, however, the quality of outputs is depending on the lighting conditions. Proper lighting conditions greatly affect the result of the processed record, especially its final texture, geometry, and affect any errors in the measured values. There are various lighting conditions on the construction site, which affect the quality of the documentation made. While in the outdoor parts this situation is affected by daylight, inside the building we must rely on artificial lighting and as a result there are many parts without sufficient lighting, or the lighting is completely absent.
In this article we focus on the evaluation of the impact of lighting in documenting the course of work on the site using 360 ° photogrammetry, especially in relation to verification of geometric accuracy, position of structures and current work in progress and follows the analysis of standard and technical requirements to determine appropriate ways to ensure adequate lighting.
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