Klíčová slova:
CFD, sedimentation tank, wastewaterAbstrakt
Primary sedimentation tanks are structures of primary waste water treatment. Rectangular tanks are quite common in Slovakia although they are known to have some hydraulical problems resulting from their geometry. Furthermore, the inflow channel is almost exclusively oriented perpendicularly to the direction of the flow in these tanks. In this paper, we will show some of the problems caused by these factors, with the use of CFD simulations.
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GOUL, A. M., KOSTOGLOU, M., KARAPANTSIOS, T. D., ZOUBOULIS, A. I.: A CFD methodology for the design of sedimentation tanks in potable water treatment: Case study: The influence of a feed flow control baffles. l. : Elsevier B.V., 2008, Zv. 140, s. 110-121.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Michal Holubec, Jaroslav Hrudka, Réka Csicsaiová, Štefan Stanko
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