Methodical Conflict among the Ways for Drying out of Historic Masonry


  • Alexander Németh N-art, s.r.o., Betliarska 12, 851 07 Bratislava, Slovensko
  • Michal Hrčka Obnova, s.r.o., Námestie Sv. Trojice 22, 96901 Banská Štiavnica, Slovensko
  • Oto Makýš lovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, Stavebná fakulta, Radlinského 11, 81005 Bratislava, Slovensko


Klíčová slova:

Moisture, masonry, architectural heritage, ventilation, undercutting, injection


The purpose of this paper is to give a focus on evaluation of effectiveness of technologies aimed on remedy of unwanted moisture in masonry constructions of historic architectural heritage buildings standing under architectural heritage protection. There are many ways how to achieve the wonted state of the constructions, but some of them are quite invasive, some are not that much invasive and some of them are doubtful. The usual resistance of a group of officers of Heritage authorities to invasive technologies makes the practise complicated, as the, so called invasive technologies are usually the most effective. Officers usually welcome not that much invasive technologies and a special place in their understanding of this problem is held by the Method of Sequential Steps. This method is based on step by step introduced ways of solving of the problem, which should start with minimal interventions and continue towards more intervening interventions. This approach might be relatively sensitive to the structures, but it takes a lot of time and a success is not ensured.


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Jak citovat

Németh, A., Hrčka, M. a Makýš, O. (2024) „Methodical Conflict among the Ways for Drying out of Historic Masonry ", Czech Journal of Civil Engineering, 10(1), s. 34-42. doi: 10.51704/cjce.2024.vol10.iss1.pp34-42.


