public space, identity, urban factors, urban life, memorability, image of the cityAbstract
A vivid pulsating city is a premise and the essential substance of an active urban life. The typical obstacles for complex using of city public spaces are mainly: undervalued space for pedestrians, low attractiveness of street frontages and social use of squares, increased traffic, pollution, risk of accidents, dehumanization etc. Twenty-first century calls for public spaces pleasant for walking, users friendly areas with readable identity and the possibility of meetings. Selected examples of Bratislava public spaces and public spaces of other European cities evaluate and compare the losses, victories and hopes of possible transformations for the urbanity, identity, quality and memorability for the participants of the street action - the visitors. Selected cities also offer possible strategies of positive “domino effect” for urban spaces called "the city friendly pedestrian spaces". Recognition of the major role of pedestrians in urban life, necessity of balance in eco - urban structures and vision of appropriate social behavior afford the city a chance to emphasize the quality of public spaces.
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