Effect of ETICS preparation with biocorrosion on the adhesion of “Double ETICS”
Double ETICS, thermal insulation, contact thermal insulation system, preparation of the plaster baseAbstract
The first part of the work analyzes the legislative and technical aspects of ETICS repairs. The second part is devoted to technical solutions for repairs of existing ETICS structures and diagnostics of ETICS before applying radical technology for repairing biologically contaminated systems, emphasizing the need for thorough preparation of the substrate. The experiment deals with determining the effectiveness of substrate preparation for DOUBLE ETICS, where various forms of preparation are analyzed and their effectiveness is evaluated based on standardized requirements and adhesion testing. The paper is concluded with a discussion that evaluates the findings of the dependence of the adhesion of new insulation layers on the preparation of the substrate and states the requirement to integrate the results into current standards and technological rules.
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