Construction industry, the LCA methodology, the BIM model, 3D model, LCA study, life cycle inventory (LCI), czech environment, SNIMAbstract
Construction industry produces a significant amount of waste and on the other hand the capacities of landfills are almost filled. It is necessary to deal with the effective use of materials that have already been used and have potential to be reused again. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method of assessing the life cycle of a product or service in terms of its environmental impact. The Building Information Model (BIM) includes, in addition to geometry, the information part. This data can be used for life cycle inventory (LCI) and then for the assessment itself. The aim of the article is to analyse previous approaches and define which data structure is necessary to be obtained from the BIM model for the LCI purpose of a specific material. The proposed methodology of the data recognition and selection is based on data structure of non-graphical database called SNIM, which was developed for the Czech construction environment.
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