Facility management, FM, Building information management, BIM, building life cycle, 6D, SMART, PESTLE, Porter's model, SWOT, GAP analysis, gantt chart, resource & cost analysis, big company, project management, implementationAbstract
Facility management (FM) plays a relatively significant role in the construction life cycle. The quality of FM implementation is key to the lifetime costs of a company's buildings. Most of the operational costs are already decided upon in the building design phase. The low quality and variability of projects has the greatest impact on the efficiency of operation and thus on FM services. The operation of buildings thus becomes more expensive, more complicated, and thus more prone to malfunctions. This article deals with the synthesis process of building information management (BIM) and FM for large commercial and manufacturing companies with more than 250 employees using EN ISO 41011. The use of the BIM method, or rather the creation of a 6D model of the building, can be an effective way of beginning the management of the building within its life cycle. The presented case study evaluates the application of BIM using SMART-based project management tools such as GAP analysis, Gantt chart, Resource & Costs analysis, PESTLE analysis, Porter's 5 forces model and SWOT analysis. The above-mentioned analyses present materially, technically, and critically all areas and aspects of implementation such as financial, time and human resources. Furthermore, possible risks, strengths, and weaknesses as well as challenges and threats and other related factors such as political, legislative, technical, technological, security and others are determined. It was found that the benefits in the form of non-negligible savings in operation and maintenance outweigh the risks in the form of possible project failure.
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