Ropeway, helicopter, construction processes, simulation modelling, logisticsAbstract
Ropeways usually provide access to sites that are not accessible by any other types of transport. Due to this fact, the construction of ropeways is technologically and logistically extremely demanding. The construction site is situated mostly in exposed terrain, which often does not allow the use of conventional construction machinery in their construction. In this case, it is advisable to use means of transport that are not dependent on the character of the terrain - helicopters. Helicopters as “flying cranes" have been used by our building industry for over six decades. In the second half of the 1960s, the use of helicopters in the construction of ropeways was accentuated by Transporta Chrudim, a monopolistic domestic ropeway manufacturer. After gaining positive experiences, especially from the transportation by rope segment, helicopters began to be used by the then "conventional" building industry. Gradually, the benefits of execution of different types of construction work were confirmed, and in the following years the use of helicopters was incorporated in the main technological procedures. The construction of ropeways is an essential part of it until today.
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