Calculation bases of finished works for budget item dimensions
Bill of quantities, Measurements, Budget documents, ScanningAbstract
The preparation of an accurate and comprehensible bill of quantities is crucial for the financial management of construction projects. This process involves the analysis of project documentation, defining the technological process, and quantifying construction works, structures, and materials. The bill of quantities serves as a basis for the valuation of the construction and determination of the contract price. Its creation is time-consuming and requires expertise. In practice, we often encounter incomplete, inaccurate, or non-existent project documentation, which can lead to disputes and financial complications. Various methods can be used to verify the scope of completed works, including photographic documentation, 3D scanning, and direct measurement. Modern technologies enable efficient documentation of the building's condition and simplify the process of quantifying works. The accuracy and comprehensibility of the bill of quantities are essential for transparency and minimizing financial losses. This article gradually analyzes the bill of quantities and the possibilities for obtaining underlying values and measurements.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Adam Hopocký, Peter Makýš, Marek Ďubek

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