
  • Marek Ďubek Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, Stavebná fakulta, Radlinského 11, 81005 Bratislava, Slovensko

Klíčová slova:

Steel fiber reinforced concrete, dispersion, evaluation


Evaluation of dispersion fibers in steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is of great importance. Especially for production and processing of fiber-processing steps. The article is a comparison of current evaluation methods and developed an alternative proposal evaluation. Each figure for dispersion fiber has advantages but also its importance for practical usefulness. These data from different studies representing the fiber to a specific unit. For example, volume or area. Currently, the research focuses on equitable deployment of fibers of different successive steps of production. Before it is necessary to choose the most appropriate method of assessing or assemble a new one. The paper describes a new method for the evaluation of usable practice directly on site.


Metriky se nahrávají ...


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STN EN 14889-1 Vlákna do betónu. Časť 1: Oceľové vlákna. Definície, špecifikácie a zhoda.

STN EN 14845-2 Skúšobné metódy pre vlákna v betóne. Časť 2: Účinok na betón.

STN EN 14721+A1 Skúšobné metódy na betón




Jak citovat

Ďubek, M. (2016) „RATING OF FIBERS IN STEEL FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE", Czech Journal of Civil Engineering, 2(2), s. 36-41. ostupné z: https://cjce.cz/journal/article/view/86 (iděno: 3červenec2024).


